Listening and Active Communication

  • Points:

    • Avoid getting distracted by your own thoughts.

    • Focus on the speaker and listen.

    • Try not to interrupt the other person.

    • Let them finish and then respond.

    • Use door openers.

    • Show that you are listening with body language.

    • Take notes on important conversation.

  • Key Points of Fisher's model:

    • Reflective Listening, based on Fisher's model, means mirroring body language and emotions to confirm understanding.

    • Widely used in critical situations like air traffic control, military missions, and diffusing emotional talks in personal relationships.

    • In business, notes are taken in meetings and verified by participants.

    • Important in software contexts – always take notes, share with the team, verify for accuracy, ensure everyone agrees, and note technical details.

  • Getting not enough time to learn the concept properly.

  • I will do the following things to improve my listening:

    • Avoid getting distracted by my own thoughts.

    • Take notes on important conversation.

  • Sometimes, I might use passive communication to avoid arguments or fights.

  • When feeling upset or angry, I might switch to an aggressive style, expressing my feelings forcefully.

  • Ignoring or avoiding communication as a form of expressing frustration or anger.

  • Steps:

    • Clearly communicate your limits and expectations.

    • Acknowledge and respect the opinions and feelings of others.

    • Work towards finding solutions that consider everyone's needs.

    • Believe in your right to express yourself and stand up for your needs.